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Sunday, August 10, 2008

today is Singapore 43th bday..hmmx, afternoon went out wif jen to jb..went pei her go shopping then we go there eat..actually very long nv go in le..after that at nite, went to meet flor..walked at compasspoint and send her home after that..

haix, feeling very weird lei..dunno what i'm thinking, feeling kinda tight at my chest..recently quite quiet, not really in the mood to do things..kinda not like myself..hardly smile too, i'm trying to find out the reason too..

hao la, here's a song i liked alot..have the lyrics wif me, will update the song soon =)..

did i hear you right?

'cos i thought you said ,let's think it over

you have been my life

and i never planned growing old without you

shadows bleeding through the light

where the love once shined so bright

came without a reason

don't let go on us tonight

love's not always black and white

why haven't i always loved you?

and when i need you

you're almost here

and i know thats not enough

and when i'm with you

i'm close to tears

'cos you're only almost here

i would change the world

if i had a chance

oh won't you let me treat me like a child

throw your arms around me

oh please protect me

bruised and battered by your words

dazed and shattered now it hurts

oh havent i always loved you?

and when i need you

you're almost here

and i know thats not enough

and when i'm with you

i'm close to tears

'cos you're only almost here

oooh oh

bruised and battered by your words

dazed and shattered now it hurts

haven't i always loved you?

but when i need you

you're almost here

well i never knew how far behind i left you

and when i hold you ,you're almost here

well i'm sorry that i took our love for granted

and now i'm with you ,i'm close to tears

'cos i know i'm almost here

only almost here

12:08 AM


Jus WaNna haVe a siMplE & oRdinAry LifE..


aBt miiE

~sImplE & OrdInaRy gUy
~EasY GoinG
~taLkaTivE wIf cLoSe FreNs
~oThErs 4 u ppl tO FinD OuT! =)

LovEs & HatEs

;Lov3 t0 haVe fuN wiF fReNs
;Lov3 EaTinG ALOT(I mean alot~) xD
;Lov3 aNy1 wh0 maKe mii lauGh anD SmilE~ ^o^
;Lov3 mEaninGfUl s0nGs
;Hat3 ppl thAt kEep aSsuminG ThinGs
;Hat3 bEinG AccuSeD N naGgEd
;Hat3 liaRs anD hyPocRites
;Hat3 t0 bE kEpt In E DaRk

mii Wiishlist

;WiSh tO LivE EvEryDay haPpily
;WisH t0 MovE oN Wif mY owN liFe
;wIsH eVeRy1 clOsE t0 mii saFe & haPpY
;wIsh t0 sMile nO maTtEr HoW DifFiculT LifE iS
;WisH t0 ExCeL iN mY sTudIeS n GeT a Gd joB


picture editor/background editor : yo0ndaiimez (:
basecode combining:Cubes
Basecodes: Yanting, Wenhui, Blend-ed.notes♥

Do not remove the credits.
I'll bite your butt, not only your butt,and your head,your hand nn leg..