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Sunday, September 9, 2007

haha..been such a long time since i last updated my blog..so many ppl are complaining why i din update..today update abit of things for u all to read ba xD..friday did alot of things sia..morning 10am Qian came to my hse..finally she get to see the new dog and my niece..after that we went to sing k at hougang plaza..sang quite a few songs that i nv sing b4..hmmx..after that pei qian go AMK Hub collect her bag and played pool for awhile..Qian, u deprove le hor..faster go train back then next time we train together keke..after that jiu send qian back, got quite a lot of things to talk sia..think we too long nv meet up le ba..*(meet up more often) -hint-* after that went to meet xue for awhile since i at Sengkang..but very soon after meeting her i went off le..cos i meeting gal and bryan..gal still sms me to buy plaster for her cos her leg pain >.<..after that met up wif them and we ate at youth park..eat gong gong, stingray, carrot cake and hokkien noodle..after eating we went to Gramaphone at Takashimaya to collect gal's free hairspray tickets..since we are there we went to Kinokunia to look at comics which the 3 of us all love..after that went to Heeren to see CD and DVD..soon after Kie Ian joined us to play pool at Cuppage plaza..haha..as usual we play pool and take pics =).. simply love taking pics wif them.. <3

11:31 PM


Jus WaNna haVe a siMplE & oRdinAry LifE..


aBt miiE

~sImplE & OrdInaRy gUy
~EasY GoinG
~taLkaTivE wIf cLoSe FreNs
~oThErs 4 u ppl tO FinD OuT! =)

LovEs & HatEs

;Lov3 t0 haVe fuN wiF fReNs
;Lov3 EaTinG ALOT(I mean alot~) xD
;Lov3 aNy1 wh0 maKe mii lauGh anD SmilE~ ^o^
;Lov3 mEaninGfUl s0nGs
;Hat3 ppl thAt kEep aSsuminG ThinGs
;Hat3 bEinG AccuSeD N naGgEd
;Hat3 liaRs anD hyPocRites
;Hat3 t0 bE kEpt In E DaRk

mii Wiishlist

;WiSh tO LivE EvEryDay haPpily
;WisH t0 MovE oN Wif mY owN liFe
;wIsH eVeRy1 clOsE t0 mii saFe & haPpY
;wIsh t0 sMile nO maTtEr HoW DifFiculT LifE iS
;WisH t0 ExCeL iN mY sTudIeS n GeT a Gd joB


picture editor/background editor : yo0ndaiimez (:
basecode combining:Cubes
Basecodes: Yanting, Wenhui, Blend-ed.notes♥

Do not remove the credits.
I'll bite your butt, not only your butt,and your head,your hand nn leg..